Reach more customers by automating
your call-outs

IVES Features

  • Automate Call-outs

    Schedule individual or bulk call-outs to
    your target recipients

  • Customize Voice Message

    Create your own content for your voice

  • Track Results Real-Time

    Check the status of your campaign by
    monitoring call statistics and responses
IVES is a DIY Interactive Voice Response editor that runs on a
simple auto self-service technology, allowing you to connect better and create richer customer experiences.

IVES makes these possible

  • Inform about your promotions and
    latest offers

  • Remind about due rates, pending transactions and other account-related actions

  • Send announcements and other important information

How It Works

  • Create a call flow and compose your message
  • Schedule your call-out and select recipients from your user list
  • Recipients receive your automated voice call and gets an SMS notification

Experience IVES

Get an automated call-out now
Mobile number format: 0917XXXXXXX